
RISC World


The latest news to land on the RISCWorld editorial desk...

RISCWorld's pick of the news from the last couple of months...

CashBook 1.15

After a long delay, and an over-optimistic preview at the Midlands Show, I'm pleased to finally be able to announce that a new version of CashBook is available in beta form for testing. The release contains a number of minor tweaks, along with a major new feature of transaction presets. �These allow frequently used transactions, or parts of transactions, to be set up as templates and quickly entered into the transaction window at a press of a key or a click of the mouse.

Please be aware that this version is of beta quality. �While I am not aware of any bugs, there may still be problems present and I would ask that users do not upgrade unless willing to assist with tracking down any problems that do come to light.

For those unfamiliar with it, CashBook is a home accounts application offering multiple accounts, regular transactions, budgeting with multiple analysis headings, and extensive reporting options. �It is released as Freeware; more detailed information, and downloads, can be found at:

For the time being, copies of the current stable version, 1.11, also remain available for download until a new stable release comes out.

Steve Fryatt

News from Knightsfield School

Knightsfield School is pleased to announce that we have yet again gained the ICT Quality Mark. The school, which has over 40 RISC PCs, was described as "very well resourced and well equipped". �"The students interviewed were enthusiastic about ICT and they all enjoyed using it. The older students discussed their use of ICT and felt they had access to a wide range of resources." �Work the pupils do was considered to be innovative and of high quality.

We are extremely pleased with the report and proud of our achievement.

We are again advertising for a maths teacher, as the one we appointed a few years ago is now retiring. �Knightsfield is a great place to work and I am sure that there must be a maths teacher out there who is also a RISC OS user.

The link to the full details is as

Sharon Pointeer

� � � � �

Surftec DigiFlash

Partis Computing is happy to announce that they have taken over further development of Surftec's DigiFlash Products. These products consist of :

  • DigiFlash (Parallel Port) Compact Flash Reader
  • DigiFlash (Parallel Port) Smart Media Reader

Partis Computing originally developed this products for Surftec in 2001/2002, thus are best placed for continued development. Existing users of these products may acquire the latest versions of these, by completing the registration form at:

New software will be emailed within a couple of days free of charge, once registration is verified.

Gary Partis

Technical support for Orpheus internet users

In a small effort to ease the difficult situation brought about by last week's tragic news, R-Comp is offering free network/software technical support services to Orpheus Internet users to help fill the void during this uncertain time.

Whilst we cannot currently help with "backbone" type problems (ie. if the fault lies outside of your home), we can cover all the day to day difficulties (eg. router problems, networking, software configuration, filter problems and so forth), as well as "being here" as a full-time RISC OS company.

Andrew Rawnsley commented, "It is a difficult time for all Orpheus users, and since my day-to-day work involves providing RISC OS users with technical support, it seems an obvious way to help. It is a logical fit with what we already do. It's a free service, and I'll try and resist any salesman urges!"

Andrew added, "Paul was the paragon of what we all strive for as RISC OS enthusiasts, and is greatly missed. �I see providing technical support to Orpheus users as one small way of paying tribute to his work over so many years".

R-Comp can be contacted on 01925 755043. �We prefer calls after 11am, and are usually available till around 6pm in the evening. �If telephoning for help, please quote your Orpheus user name.

We ask that people be aware that this is a free service, so please be considerate when calling.

R-Comp has specialised in RISC OS networking/broadband since the 1990s, and we have always backed this up with comprehensive printed manuals, documentation and support. �Since many Orpheus users already run R-Comp software, we have always fielded questions from Orpheus users as a matter of course.

Andrew Rawnsley

New VNC server front end for RISC OS 6

I've just released a new version of my VNC Server front end application. This had been enhanced with a new feature for RISC OS 6.14 users. VNC is a network application that allows remote viewing and control of one computer from another. �My front end application makes it a little easier for people to set up and use the RISC OS VNC Server module without needing to worry about some of the finer details.

The new version of the front end is now able to temporarily remove the RISC OS Pinboard's backdrop picture and any graduated fill, when it detects a client connection. This can help save network bandwidth.

The front end is available from:

Steve Potts

